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System example Europe Snacks

New standards in the efficient production of stackable chips

Writing a story of success as the undisputed market leader on a highly competitive market: that's exactly what Europe Snacks, a French company from Saint-Denis-La-Chevasse, is all about. With its stackable chips, innovative products and our modern and automated packaging lines.

In summary

  • Maximum production output with highly efficient personnel deployment
  • 5,000 tonnes of stackable chips per year with four packaging lines
  • Processing of almost 100 percent recyclable packaging

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Our packaging lines – your success

Exact portioning – with no give-away

For Europe Snacks, overfills of 10 to 15 percent per tin were not unusual. The same goes for tins filled with prepackaging with stackable chips. That's because previously, packaging was performed by volume and not by the exact weight. Yet that wasn't…

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For Europe Snacks, overfills of 10 to 15 percent per tin were not unusual. The same goes for tins filled with prepackaging with stackable chips. That's because previously, packaging was performed by volume and not by the exact weight. Yet that wasn't all: There was also a need to reduce product breakage. Thus, there was room for optimisation of the packaging process in many areas – and with our innovative packaging line for stackable chips, we had the right technical solution. It keeps the packaging work to a minimum and makes sure that the tins are only contain the exact quantities. No matter how large they are. For minimum overfill and gentle handling of the product. The major benefit of our packaging lines at Europe Snacks: They portion by weight instead of by volume. Thus, weighing is accurate to within 1.5 to 2 grammes. They also fill tins of different sizes precisely – accurate to within approximately one potato chip. A maximum of two.

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Highly-efficient use of personnel

First, a production line with 16 lanes, six months later, the second with 18 lanes, a year after that, the third with 24 lanes – and now the fourth production line with 24 lanes. Our machines at Europe Snacks now package around three and a half…

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First, a production line with 16 lanes, six months later, the second with 18 lanes, a year after that, the third with 24 lanes – and now the fourth production line with 24 lanes. Our machines at Europe Snacks now package around three and a half tonnes of stackable chips per hour. In regular operation. With only three employees. This makes for even more efficiency and cost-effectiveness, and low maintenance costs. The results are quite impressive: lower production costs per kilo of packaged goods. As a result, the company is also ready for new markets, like the United Kingdom, the Benelux states, Spain, Italy and Poland.

And, when it comes to crackers and snacks, the company also puts its trust in us and our multi-head weighers and vertical form, fill and seal machines: A total of five of these kinds of packaging lines are in operation alongside the stackable chip packaging lines.

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Recyclable packaging and innovative products

Europe Snacks is not only innovative in product development. The company is also a pioneer when it comes to production. It packages its stackable chips in cardboard tins which are 98 percent recyclable. With success. The patented packagings are what…

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Europe Snacks is not only innovative in product development. The company is also a pioneer when it comes to production. It packages its stackable chips in cardboard tins which are 98 percent recyclable. With success. The patented packagings are what the customers have been used to for years in terms of appearance and size. Yet they are now ecologically a lot more environmental compatible.

Thanks to collaborative cooperation, it was possible to adapt the packaging line to the new, environmentally friendly type of tins. Unproblematically. And without interruption. That's because we are constantly developing the machines further in accordance with customers' wishes and demands. For significant improvements which have a direct influence on the production processes.

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„Technically, the clear structure of the Hastamat packaging line, the modular construction, user friendliness and the extremely gentle handling of the product fascinated me right from the first presentation.“

Jean-Louis Roger Industrial Director Europe Snacks

„The employees at Hastamat are understanding of our issues, listen to us and develop the solutions we really need together with our technicians. That's a wonderful thing.“

Jean-Louis Roger Industrial Director Europe Snacks

Our packaging machines

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Your central contact

Hastamat Verpackungstechnik
GmbH + Co. KG
Sales Team
Phone: +49 6441 6009-100

End-to-end packaging lines

Being set up flexibly to needs and requirements, being able to offer the best packaging quality and ensuring smooth processes – we engineer our complete packaging lines with these aims. And together with you. So that individual production processes are implemented in the optimum manner. For more efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Find out about our innovative system solutions with gentle product handling – looking at the system examples of our complex packaging lines.

To packaging lines


Cookies packed in bags are transported away on a conveyor belt of the packaging line

System example Signature Snacks

The heart of Signature Snacks beats at the centre of the United Arab Emirates. And it beats for waffles, crackers, cookies, chocolate filled dates, dried fruits and nuts.

Go to Signature Snacks
Machine of Hastamat packs confectionery into cans

System example for confectionery

Packaging hundreds and thousands quickly and simply in a wide range of variants – with our specially developed packaging line, no problem whatsoever for our customer.

Go To the system example for confectionery