Hastamat invests in new production hall at the site in Lahnau
14/08/2024, Lahnau
Producing more quickly and efficiently
Hastamat is currently extending its site in Lahnau to 2,310 square meters with a state-of-the-art production hall. The packaging machine manufacturer is reacting to its good order situation and the increased space requirement in the production department which this entails, and is thus creating the basis for further grown.
"Over the last few years, Hastamat has grown continuously. The new production hall is a practical investment and an affirmation of the German location", says Olaf Piepenbrock, Executive Partner of Hastamat's parent company Piepenbrock. He goes on to state that the new build is a consequence of the positive business development over the past few years and creates the basis for further growth. The building has sufficient space on the ground floor for the areas of Production, Warehouse Logistics and Quality Assurance. The upper level will house offices, meeting rooms and sanitary facilities. "The production of complete packaging lines with individual weighing, dosing and packaging systems requires a lot of space. After the demolition of our hall of roughly 1,500 square meters, we are extending our site in Lahnau significantly with the construction of a production hall of roughly 2,300 square meters", enthuses Michael Schulze, Managing Director of Hastamat.
Short routes – efficient flow of goods
The new department provides one critical advantage, Schulze emphasises: "Short routes and working on a single level make for an optimised flow of goods. That way, in future, we will be able to produce the individual packaging solutions for our customers more quickly and efficiently". Hastamat also included space-saving high racks, a modern ventilation system and self-produced electricity in the construction plan. With the new build, the installed photovoltaics system in Lahnau is being upgraded to a peak value of around 200 kilowatts. The energy consumption is 40 percent of the required level – the machine manufacturer produces at least 65 percent of the required electricity in regenerative processes.